4 Style Strategies That All Good Shoppers Follow


Most of us are about to start some highly anticipated Black Friday shopping. Yes, we’ll be using the upcoming sales to buy holiday gifts at deep discounts, however consumer reports consistently tell us that this is also peak time of year for women to shop for themselves.

I want to have a conversation about how we do this effectively, because as you probably already know, intentionality is at the basis of everything I teach. This time of year is a great time to cash in on discounts for clothing….IF you know what you’re doing. Otherwise you’re destined to buy things you don’t need, wasting a whole lot of money in the process and keeping you further from reaching your strongest relationship with personal style (certainly not my goal for you).

So let’s look at how you actually do this effectively, and we’ll start by defining what makes a woman a GOOD shopper. BTW, these are the exact criteria we use inside Unlock Your Signature Style.

A good shopper is someone who buys clothes that match her style, that fit her body, that integrate with the rest of her wardrobe, and that have a reason or purpose for being there, guaranteeing she wears everything she buys. A good shopper is a woman who knows how to intentionally invest her money into her style…..she’s not guessing, she doesn’t fall victim to retailing tactics, and she never spends money on clothes that go unworn.

There are 4 style-strategies that all good shoppers implement. 

These strategies don’t suck the fun out of big sales like Black Friday, nor do they put a damper on being creative with style. In fact, they make the entire process more invigorating because they ensure you’re consciously buying clothes you love/wear/need.

1. The first strategy is pretty obvious. Good shoppers know what their style IS.

This is a complete non-negotiable if you want to be able to strategically make purchasing decisions around your clothing and build out a wardrobe that serves you. As you’ve probably heard me say one too many times – “knowing your preferences is not the same thing as knowing your style”. Good shoppers know exactly what makes their style,THEIR style.

2. They know how to fit the proportions of their body.

You want to be able to walk into a store and filter out the 95% of items that aren’t right for your body so that you can narrow in on the 5% that make you look and feel INCREDIBLE? You have to be able to actually know what you’re looking for (the cuts of pants, the length of jackets, the appropriate hemline on a skirt/dress, the most suitable sleeve, etc). Good shoppers know exactly what fits their body, in every wardrobe category, and they shop for that exclusively.

3. They’re not shopping for MORE of what they already have, they’re shopping to fill in the GAPS.

In order to be able to do this, you must first be clear on what your style actually IS, and then understand what it’s comprised of (meaning you know the specific items that must be in your closet in order to get this style, and you identify which of those you’re missing). This is what becomes the focus of intentional shopping – good shoppers put all of their attention into what’s MISSING, not MORE of what they already HAVE.

4. Good shoppers practice patience. They don’t buy things simply for the sake of it being cheap and on sale.

I‘ll be completely honest here, this is the strategy that 100% of women who come into Unlock Your Signature Style are missing. It’s completely opposite to what the retail industry wants us to do as consumers. Being a good shopper doesn’t mean you’re a woman who finds the perfect option immediately. It means comparing styles, trying on lots of options, not settling for mediocre, not spending money on clothing that doesn’t fit perfectly, not buying something for the sole criteria of it being super cheap and discounted. Being a good shopper means “if it’s not a HECK YES, it’s a HECK NO, and I’ll wait till I find what’s right for me”. 

If you’re able to implement these 4 strategies, not only will you save yourself a lot of money, but you’ll also support yourself in intentionally building a wardrobe where everything fits you, is something you feel good in, and most importantly is something you wear.

If you want to learn exactly how we do everything I just listed, so that you can dress with ease and build a wardrobe that supports you – come join us inside Unlock Your Signature Style. This is what we learn how to do inside USS, you won’t find a more comprehensive style education anywhere!

– Jordan

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