This is How Manifestation Actually Works, and Why It’s Included in Personal Style Development

Personal style development includes the concept of manifestation, because you can’t access a gerat realtionship with style until you’ve FIRST built a great relationship with your thoughts and beliefs – which is all manifestation actually is.
I typically shy away from using the word “manifest”; social media has eroded the actual meaning. But since it’s right there inside of this week’s style training, let’s talk about what it is and how it’s part of our work in personal style.
Manifestation is not a magical wish-fulfillment factory, spitting out whatever you hope it will recreate off your vision board.
It’s the deliberate, focused use of your mind, which then out-pictures whatever you believe to be true. When practiced correctly, manifestation is the proper exercise of thought used to bring to life your desires.
When a woman says:
- “It’s impossible for me now that I’m in menopause.”
- “I can’t have the style I like when my body looks like this.”
- “It’s too late for me now that I’m over 50.”
- “Everyone will judge me if I start dressing differently.”
- “No store make clothing for women my size.”
- “I’m always going to feel like a mess now that I’m a mom.”
Her UNBELIEF (aka her determination that her desire is unattainable) is then out-pictured into her reality and she’s unconsciously created a manifestation, which stays active and alive the more she tells herself this story.
We might think, “well that’s not fair, she’s getting the EXACT reality she doesn’t want.”
But the mind (the manifestation creator) isn’t an arbiter of fairness. It’s a copy machine giving you back whatever you put into it. It’s a mirror reflecting back whatever you put in front of it. It processes thoughts, beliefs, expectations and assumptions. NOT hopes and wishes.
The sooner a woman really gets this, the sooner she cleans up her thinking. Because all of those statements I just listed above have NO POWER in her life unless her mind gives them power. The size of her body has zero power to negatively impact her life, unless she DECIDES (believes) that it does. And then it does. Because her mind has created that as HER manifested reality.
The greatest blessing of her life will come when she recognizes that just as easily as that mirror reflects back a total immersion reality where she’s living amidst all of her disempowering beliefs in vivid technicolor…
So too does the mirror do the EXACT SAME THING when she holds her mind in steady accordance with the reality she actually wants to experience.
Wishing to be a confidently dressed woman, but simultaneously believing you’re unworthy of looking good, assuming people are judging you for the size of your body, expecting to lack confidence because you’ve “always lacked confidence”……is a recipe for keeping alive the very reality you’re telling yourself you don’t want.
Again, the mind processes thoughts, beliefs, expectations and assumptions. NOT wishes, hopes, and saying 1000 affirmations you don’t actually believe. It’s not personal. It’s not punishing you. It’s simply giving you back a reflection of whatever you put in front of the mirror. YOU get to decide what that is.
The reason I spend so much time focused on teaching you THIS work, is because you cannot circumvent it.
You can learn all of the style hacks, many of which I’ve probably already taught you, you can be given every trick in the book….but if the information is sitting on a foundation of UNBELIEF, all the style-hacks in the world have nothing to stick to.
Belief in your ability to have what you desire……trumps EVERYTHING. This is my message to you every day, always.
Your mind is shaping and molding your entire reality. Your reality of: health, wealth, love, impact, career, possibility…and yes, style.
The most powerful success-tool you have at your disposal is sitting INSIDE of you right now at this very moment. Harness it for all of the good it has to offer.
All the blessing of your life are waiting on the other side of your ability to BELIEVE in what you desire and EXPECT the inevitability of your success.
If you haven’t signed up for the Manifest Your Style Makeover training, and would like to continue this conversation in much greater depth, I would love to have you join us. This series includes over 3 hours of training split between 2 videos, plus exercises and style assignments to complete. Visit the website to read all about the topics we’ll be learning and what you can expect from taking the Manifest Your Style Makeover training.
Ready to sign up for Manifest Your Style Makeover?