With a brand new year brings another opportunity to realign our commitments to ourselves and our plans for being the best versions of ourselves that we can possibly be. For many people, this idea involves the notion of creating symmetry between our inside and outside selves, and showing up in the world as the person we truly want to be. At MiKADO, personal style is not fashionable clothing, but rather one of many tools at our disposal, used in order to craft the external version of ourselves we feel we are on the inside, and want others to see and interact with.

Clothing we feel good in, that reflects the image we want to portray, brings with it an unstoppable power and invigorated sense of confidence. It allows us to perform personally and professionally at a higher level by empowering the way we relate to ourselves and the manner in which we operate with other people. The power of clothing, and the impact it has on our day-to-day functioning, is something that cannot be overlooked as a preeminent driver of success.

If you’ve made the decision to reenergize your sense of style in 2020, we’d love the opportunity to assist you in kick starting this journey!


New Years Goal Style


Crafting your unique personal style creates a go-to ‘look’ that sets you up to begin your day from an organized place and enables you to project an image you’ve strategically cultivated rather than something put together at random. Whether or not you hold an interest in fashion is less relevant; dressing in items that are in line with the message you wish to convey through your image is vital.


Fresh Style 2020 1.42.42 PM


Whether you’re in need of a complete overhaul or some new items to supplement what you already own, our Personal Stylists have you covered. Helping our clients develop a sense of style that feels both organic to who they are while also communicating the image they seek to portray is our primary focus. It is the starting point for all of our services and lays the ground work for us to efficiently shop on their behalves and educate them accordingly. 

Our goals are to provide an exceptional experience where shopping is no longer overwhelming, simplify what it means to have a strong sense of personal style, and ensure our clients always feel empowered by the image they’re putting forward through their wardrobe.

Personal Styling Services

We know that a busy life often leaves little time and effort for finding the right clothing. That’s why we take care of it for you by providing store-to-door service; bringing the shopping mall selection into the comfort of your home.

Our Personal Stylists shop for items that suit your taste, preference and lifestyle needs. We deliver them to you and ensure your closet is always stocked with a wardrobe that works for you. Let us show you how simple it can be to achieve your 2020 personal style goals!


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